• It is one of the healthiest vegetables.
  • It contains about 92% of water and minerals.
  • It helps in maintaining HEART healthy.
  • It brings down the bad cholesterol level.
  • It manages B.P, DIABETES Thyroid.
  • It's a very good POST WORKOUT DRINK (Power Pack Drink).
BENEFITS of Power Pack Drink:-
  1. Helps in Weight loss.  :-- It is low in calories and full of fiber. You won't feel hungry as it keeps you full for a longer time
  2. Reduces Bad Cholesterol:--  Regular consumption of this juice on an EMPTY STOMACH every morning helps in lowering Bad Cholesterol levels.
  3. Stress Reliever:-   It contains a  good amount of CHOLINE (A kind of NEUROTRANSMITTER )that helps in improving brain function and keeps preventing STRESS, and DEPRESSION.
  4. Cools Your Body:- It keeps your stomach cool and reduces BODY HEAT.
  5. Skin & Hair:- It acts as a NATURAL CLEANSER and removes TOXICITY from the body.

NOTE:- Applying Lauki Juice on Scalp can get rid of BALDNESS and PREMATURE graying of HAIR.


It acts as a natural post-workout drink, It contains natural sugar which helps in restoring glucose levels, and also replaces the carbohydrates lost during a workout session as it is rich in protein and other nutrients, It improves the efficiency of your muscles.

*1 Cup Bottle Gourd (Lauki) 
*1 no Lemon (juice from one lemon)
*1 tsp Salt
*0.50 cup Coriander Leaves 
*0.50 tsp Chat Masala 
*1 cup of Water 
*Wash, peel and chop the bottle gourd into small cubes. 
*Blend all the ingredients together until smooth and serve or strain the juice using a fine-mesh strainer for a clear and thin juice.
Ready to drink Lauki juice is available: Click here
TIP:- Taste it before. It shouldn't taste Bitter. If it does, Don't use it.


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